Charles Lossos


Appointment 2017
Other educational establishments that you govern None
Relationships between you and other governors or members of staff None
Committees Trustees
Professional Experience Solicitor and Business Consultant
Hobbies and Interests Gastronomy and Travel
Thing I love most about North West The warm family atmosphere that pervades throughout the school
Why I Joined the School Governors/Trustees The school has a long and proud history, having been founded by the Premishlaner Rebbe z”l. The Trustees are there as a continuation of that proud legacy to preserve the ethos of the school and to continue its journey into the next generation.
Fun Fact My surname (Lossos) comes from the Eastern European word for salmon – Łosoś/Лосос.  Many have confused us with the Lossos tribe – an ethnic and linguistic group of people living in the Doufelgou District (Préfecture) of the Kara Region in Northern Togo, West Africa. Occassionally we are also confused with the Losos-class submarine, a type of Soviet submarine!