North West London Jewish Day School is a warm, happy, high-achieving, Modern Orthodox, Zionist Primary School, always aiming for excellence whilst supporting everyone to reach their potential.
Start your child’s secular and Kodesh education in our Nursery
Learn Ivrit from an early age
Optional early morning breakfast club (from 7:45am)
Weekly swimming lessons in our onsite pool
Designated playgrounds for both Nursery and Reception
Freshly-cooked lunch in our onsite kitchen with 5* hygiene rating
Call 02084593378 to speak to our Admissions Officer, or email for more details.
We believe in being your best At North West
North West London Jewish Day School is an exceptional Modern Orthodox, Zionist school with a strong Jewish identity and a unique and very special atmosphere
In the event of oversubscription, North West seeks to prioritise children whose parents are able to demonstrate commitment to Jewish observances and practices as evidenced by the SIF (supplementary information form).
If you have any queries please contact the school office on 020 8459 3378
Nursery (children born 01/09/2021 – 31/08/2022)
Determined Admission Arrangements for Nursery for the Academic Year 2025-2026
Application deadline: all forms to school by 30 November 2024
Reception (children born 01/09/2020-31/08/2021) and Years 1-6
Determined Admission Arrangements for Reception and Years 1-6 for the Academic Year 2025-2026
- SIF and Rabbonim reference form for Reception-Y6 2025-2026
- Full application to be submitted on
Application deadline for eadmissions website + SIF form to school directly: 15 January 2025
Determined Admission Arrangements for entry into Reception and Years 1-6 for the Academic Year 2026-27, dated 24th February 2025
NWLJDS Admissions Policy for entry into Reception and Years 1-6 for the Academic Year 2026-2027
SIF and Rabbonim reference form for Reception and Years 1-6 2026-2027
In-year applications for the current academic year
Nursery Application Form 2024-2025
Brent Local Authority Admission Arrangements
Determined Admission Arrangements for Reception and Years 1-6 for the Academic Year 2024-2025