Please look at the links below for various helpful resources:
- The Anxious Child – booklet for parents
- Things in my control vs things out of my control
- Helping Children Regulate Emotions
- Stress Busters
- The Stress Relief Penguin
- Relaxation and Calming Activities for Children
- How to Manage and Reduce Stress
- 7 ways to support children and young people who are worried
- Advice for parents on managing stress and anger
- Helping Parents and Children increase Emotional Intelligence
- Building Resilience in Young Children (birth to six years)
- I gotta feeling – tips for feeling good (Year 6 above)
- A Parents Guide to Emotional Regulation
- Calm_Confident_Mini_Guide_Home_or_Classroom
- The Good Night Guide for Children
- A Parents Guide to Depression
- Eating Disorders – A guide for friends and family
If you are looking for a specific support, please contact for further guidance