Jewish Studies
Limmudei Kodesh accounts for approximately one third of the school day. The Limmudei Kodesh curriculum is broad and provides our children with rich and inspiring learning opportunities. In the Early years, children start learning about the weekly Parasha, basic Halacha, General Knowledge and how to read Hebrew. They then progress onto Chumash, Mishnah, Jewish History and Nach. Ivrit is introduced from Nursery.
The School aims to be a place of excellence for Torah Study and Mitzvot. At NWLJDS our aim is for every child to have a sense of pride in their heritage, a strong sense of community and a love for Judaism. We aim to ensure that the children have the practical skills to participate in Jewish life including the ability to read Hebrew confidently and competently. Our textual studies lessons are an important component of our Kodesh curriculum, and we aim for our children to leave NWLJDS with the skills needed to ably approach a Hebrew text and analyse it.
The Jewish experience gained by pupils of the school is not only in the formal Jewish Knowledge and scholarship but also in developing a love and commitment to all aspects of Jewish practice, ethical and moral behaviour. Our school Middot (positive attributes) link with our school vision ‘Striving to achieve excellence for all’. Limmudei Kodesh is integrated in the school life and the curriculum is delivered not only for its academic qualities but as a tool for the practical observance of the mitzvot and inculcate middot tovot (good behaviour traits). Our goal is to achieve the highest possible academic standards, as well as the development of an ethical and behavioural framework. We aim to develop the ‘rounded’ child, academically, culturally and socially. We reinforce the core British values and encourage tolerance and understanding of others.
Progress is tracked through rigorous assessments, to ensure that standards remain high and on target. Dedicated support is available for any child who needs it, so that every child makes good progress.
By the end of their North West careers, our pupils are well informed and knowledgeable in all aspects of Jewish life, with a strong social and moral compass. Our hope is that we will have inspired them to continue with their Jewish learning and to be committed and outstanding members of the community.
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