PE ( Physical Education)


PE Curriculum Lead: Danielle Stone

Sports and PE Coach: Michael Adams

Swimming Teacher: Sherise Kelly

Vision Statement for PE

At NWLJDS, we believe in cultivating and embracing a culture and love of sport and PE. We believe that sport and PE have a vital role to play in the physical but also social, emotional, spiritual and intellectual development of all children. PE and sport are important in giving children the knowledge, understanding and the tools to make a positive impact on their own health and well-being and the wider community.

The PE curriculum at NWLJDS aims to inspire pupils to try hard, persevere and achieve their very best. The curriculum is planned to ensure an introduction to a variety of different sports with continuity and progression in pupils’ learning and skills. We supplement the children’s experiences with tournaments and competitions (through Maccabi and with local schools) as well as festivals for children of all abilities. At NWLJDS, all children in Nursery and Reception enjoy weekly swimming lessons in our own pool. Children in Years 1-6 are offered a block of lessons on rota throughout the school year. Additionally, some children with SEN are offered extra 1:1 swimming sessions. NWLJDS also participate in Maccabi’s annual Swimming Gala.

We aspire for school sport to play an important role in building confidence and a sense of achievement for all children, as well as encouraging a healthy lifestyle.

For information about how NWLJDS spends the sport premium, please access the link below.

Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium September 2022

To see the school’s PE curriculum map and progression of skills/knowledge – follow the below links:

NWLJDS PE Curriculum Map 2022-2023

North West London Jewish Day School PE skills development chart