Sheila Taylor

Governor and Trustee

Appointment 1989, by Members of the Trust.  Current term as Governor expires December 2026
Other educational establishments that you govern None
Relationships between you and other governors or members of staff None
Committees Staffing, Admissions (Chair), Finance, Safeguarding (designated Safeguarding Governor)
Professional Experience Qualified as a Barrister at Law and worked as a Charitable Trust Consultant specialising in Governance and Charity Administration
Hobbies and Interestes Genealogy, Social History, Entertaining, Frequent travel to USA and Canada to visit children and grandchildren.
Thing I love most about North West The dedication of staff to delivering excellence for all its pupils, ensuring that every child fulfils their potential within a safe and happy environment. I am very proud that many of our past pupils have gone on to have distinguished careers; they are a true testament to the educational foundations that were sown at NWLJDS
Why I Joined the School Governors/Trustees I was approached by Rabbi Landy z”l to join the Governing Board (much to my surprise at the time!)
Fun Fact Although very much now an arm chair sportswoman, I was a very keen swimmer, tennis and table tennis player and athlete while growing up in Sunderland; I am still a better swimmer than any of my children or grandchildren!